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A Litte About Me


My name is Chelsea. I am the Owner/Founder of PITYFitness. I have been an ER Nurse for over 12 years. I am currently serving as 1LT in the USAR. I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer as well as a NASM Stretch and Flexibility Coach and Youth Exercise Specialist. I grew up playing sports all my life (mainly softball and volleyball) but love most anything. My passion and calling in life is to help people. Being a nurse, I have seen first-hand what not taking care of yourself can lead to. I have also seen patients come in on countless medications and have no clue what they are for or what side effects they cause. I decided I wanted to stop this and try to change the culture. 

I became a Certified Personal Trainer because my passion is to lead the world towards a healthier lifestyle. This can be done with simple everyday changes that lead to a LIFESTYLE change. Everybody is unique, with their own strengths and limitations. My method is to build a custom plan based on your health, schedule and fitness goals.

I also noticed that over the years health and fitness is being removed from our schools. Children need to be exposed and learn about eating right and exercise to be able to have health futures. We do them a disservice by not teaching them the importance of a healthy lifestyle when they are young. This is why I obtained my certification in Youth Exercise. This way the entire family can work out and grow together!!


Changing one life at a time to Change the world through Personal Excellence.

Helping women and children look, feel and be their best for the rest of their lives.

Core Values

1. Keep your Head and Eyes up​

Place Christ first in all that we do; honor God in everything.

"But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also" 

–Matthew 6:33


2. Always be Giving

It's important to remember to alway give to others. To remember where you came from and know sometimes others need a helping hand just like you did. ​​


3. Never Stop Learning

It's important to always learn something new each day. Your mind is just as important as your body, the moment you stop learning you start regressing.​​


4. Lead from the Front

Never ask someone to do something that you wouldn't be willing to do yourself. Go first and be a leader.​​


5. Earned not Given

Remember results are never given, they are always earned through hard work, time and consistency inside the gym and out.​​

"Whatever you do [whatever your task may be], work from the soul [that is, put in your very best effort], as [something done] for the Lord and not for men" –Colossians 3:23


6. Respectful 

It's simple...Don't be a jerk​​. Remember the manners your parents and grandparents taught you.


7. Have Gratitude

Be thankful for the simple things in life. Having gratitude and being humble will take you more places in life than greed ever will.​​


8. Never Give Up

Giving up is never on the table because the moment you give up is the moment every goal, every dream and every vision you have ever wanted dies. You are no longer 1% closer to those things but rather 2% behind.​​


  • Registered Nurse

  • NASM Certified Personal Trainer

  • NASM Youth Exercise Specialist

  • NASM Stretch and Flexibility Certified 

  • AHA Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR/BLS) Certification

  • AHA Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Certification

  • AHA Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Certification

  • ENA Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC) Certification

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